Have you heard of EntreCard?

Do you have a blog? Well EntreCard is a bloggers dream come true (well sort of). It is sort of a virtual business card with a back end for advertising. We got your review right here and AtA will be giving away 500 Credits to help you get your advertising on! The concept behind it is brilliant and can give you the edge you need in promoting your blog or website!

We have searched far and wide for any and all FREE advertising methods on the web and between me and you (and all our other readers) this one is a winner. Let me see if I can break it down all simple like. Your entrecard goes up on your site and other entrecard users can purchase ads to run on your site - in your card. It works on all blogging platforms (Make sure you use all lower case letters when inputting your domain name MaximizingRevenuetips.blogspot.com/ did not point to http://maximizingrevenuetips.blogspot.com/).

You earn credits by dropping your card on other participating blogs or when someone buys advertising on your card. People can drop their cards on your site and that's a great way to network! Write reviews for your favorite sites and watch - they might just reciprocate! Especially
maximizingrevenuetips.blogspot.com ( ;) ;))...

If you drop your card on someone else's site 9 times out of ten they will reciprocate. You can drop up to 300 cards a day. Hey that's better than standing out on the street handing out flyers! And this traffic is the type of traffic you want, Other bloggers and people in your industry.

Now i see that you can buy links from ebay starting price 1,25=
2,000 Entrecard Credits


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